If you are a fan of the poker crazethat is sweeping our land, make sure you keep reading, too! The whole theme and game play of thismachine is centered around poker. And to add to the good news, beyond its collectability,it's a pretty fun machine to play with varied targets, a good strategy toachieve a high score, andfast action on the playfield. For the collector,this can be a tough machine to find if you’re looking for one, so don't missthis opportunity. Although 9,280 SS models were made, only 820 EM machines came off thefactory line! (Another point to add to thisspecificmachine's collectability is the fact that it is a SAMPLE model!Its serial number is 01025 S.) Chances are good that you've seen MANYsolid state models over the years but not many Ems. That is true in the case ofGottlieb's Joker Poker, too. In most cases, the EM models had significantly lowerproduction rates than their SS counterparts. There were a few machines made during this time in bothEM and SS models. If your collection is centered around the'transition' machines made in the late 1970's when technology waschanging from electromechanical (EM)to solid state (SS), here is a GREATaddition for you.
1978 GottliebEMJoker Poker 4-PlayerPinball Machine: